Function FormattedNumericInput

  • Expects a numericValue string containing either only number characters or only characters that can be used to represent a number.


    FormattedNumberInput for number-like numerics.


    numericValue will be formatted for display. Generally this is not used directly in an application but wrapped in a component at a higher level of abstraction. The owner will be notified when the numeric string value changes by onNumericChange. If the numericValue represents a number like a float or integer it must be formatted in the en-US locale, i.e. uses a "." to separate the whole from the fractional part.

    For example, feed in a string like "1234567890" with the correct filters and formatters (e.g. US telephone) and it will be displayed as "(123) 456-7890".

    Or a number like "3.14" with the locale set to de-DE will be displayed as "3,15".


    Returns null | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>

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